In these challenging times, as we witness the Amhara people’s steadfast resistance against repression under the Ethiopian government, it is imperative that we, as fellow Ethiopians, stand in solidarity and support their just cause.

While the government’s policy of disarming the Liyu Hail(s) and militias seems appropriate, it must be executed with compassion and non-violence by the respective regional administration. While the completion of disarmament of the TPLF on one hand and the fate of Wolkayit Tsegede on the other is still hanging, concerns of security of the Amhara people is understandable and sensitivity by PM Abiy’s government is essential when addressing the disarmament issue of their Killil.

The Ethiopian government’s portrayal of the Amhara resistance as a narrow-minded endeavor driven by chauvinism and reactionary sentiments is an attempt to undermine the genuine objections about disarming behind current Fano movement. We, as fellow Ethiopians, recognize that the Amhara people’s resistance is grounded in the resolute principle in ensuring that their struggle remains intertwined with the broader Ethiopian pursuit for justice and equality.


Let us not be swayed by social anarchists that only represent a small fraction of the Amhara population. Amhara peoples resistance is just and comes after years of maltreatment and inequity. The Ethiopian government, under the leadership of Prime Minister Abiy, has subjected the Amhara people to unbearable hardships, thus warranting their courageous stand against this injustice.

We acknowledge the valid concerns raised by our Amhara brothers and sisters regarding the actions of certain Oromo extremist groups. Hager Wodad condemns acts of violence, rape, killing, and destruction causing a great number of our brethren to internal displacements. We urge the Ethiopian government to intensify its efforts to protect citizens from the scourge of armed extremists and to root out any elements within the government that offer support to such radical agendas. Sustained assistance should be given to the internally displaced Amharas.

We concur with the statement that Amhara resistance is a reaction to a history of suffering, humiliation, and mistreatment. We wholeheartedly endorse their aspiration to reclaim their dignity and reject the continued maltreatment they endure. It is time for all Ethiopians who value reason and freedom to unite in solidarity with the Amhara people’s struggle against injustice within and out of their Killil and against the repressive acts of the current government.

Hager Wodad calls on all Ethiopians to stand together in support of a peaceful resolution to disarmament in the region . This isn’t just about the Amhara people – it’s about the collective welfare of our entire nation. By supporting the Amhara resistance, we are advancing a vision of Ethiopia that is just, inclusive, and respectful of the rights and aspirations of all its diverse citizens. Let us come together to build a better future for every Ethiopian.

First posted on Hager Wodad, Los Angeles, August 22,2023

Reprinted June 26, 2924.